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Frequently Asked Questions

Which type of De-icing Rock Salt do I need?

The two types of salt that we sell are de-icing rock salt and white salt. They both achieve the same result in dissolving the snow and ice, however they are produced in different ways. De-icing rock salt is the cheaper product as it is mined in the U.K, whereas the white salt is produced overeas in hotter climates such as Italy and Egypt. 

De-icing rock salt is ideal if cost is an issue and if it is going to be spread over a larger area such as roads or carparks. It does however leave a slight coloured residue.

White salt is often prefered by householders for their own use as it does not leave a coloured residue behind so there is no danger of it being tracked into properties and making a mess.

What quantities can I purchase?

The 50x20kg polybags on a pallet is the most popular due to the fact it keeps for longer in the sealed plastic bags. These also make it easier to transport without spilling. Any number of these bags can be ordered. The cheapest option is the 850kg bulk bag, but that is more geared up to orders where you envisage using large amounts and don't intend to keep it for long unless it is going to be used to fill grit bins.

Do you deliver to where I live?

Simply enter the postcode to where you want the delivery made, and you will be given a delivered price. Either order online or contact the office for a quote on 01629 636500. There would only be a problem in the most isolated parts of the UK.

Is the De-icing rock salt pure or mixed?

We don't mix our rock salt with sand like some of our competitors. What you get is pure rock salt that disappears without leaving sand and grit everywhere.

How is the De-icing Rock Salt delivered?

Bulk bag and poly bag deliveries will be made by a kerbside tail-lift lorry to put the pallet as near as possible to where you need it. The ground and road need to be flat, level and solid to use this system. If you have any doubts please contact us for further details. Broken concrete, gravel or sloping ground is unsuitable and pallets may only be left on the roadside at the drivers discretion if he deems it safe to do so. If you require a loose load or need a different method of offloading, then please contact our office and we will be happy to give you a quote.

What do I do with the pallet?

You would need to safely dispose of the pallet yourself.

Is De-icing Rock Salt safe?

Under normal conditions of handling and use, Rock Salt is unlikely to have any harmful effect. We recommend you view our Safety Data Sheet for more information.

How does De-icing Rock Salt melt ice?

The salt works by lowering the melting point of ice which is termed freezing-point depression.

How do I use the De-icing rock salt?

If snow or ice is forecast you can prevent it settling or taking hold by spreading de-icing rock salt evenly over the area that needs to be kept clear. This can be repeated as necessary. De-icing rock salt can also be applied directly on top of ice and snow to start the melting process. We also sell accessories like shovels and grit bins to help you have a hassle free winter.

How should rock salt be stored?

We recommend a grit bin as the safest way to store rock salt and keep it dry. The 20kg sealed poly bags are an alternative option for keeping in your garage, shed or even the boot of your car so you are ready for any unexpected adverse weather. Rock salt will freeze solid at around minus 7 degrees so consider this when choosing where and how to store it.

If you have any question or require any more information Contact Us, telephone on 01629 636500 or email

Our Rocksalt Products Include:

Rock Salt

Rock Salt

  • Bulk Bag
White Rock Salt
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